The Endless Benefits of Elevating Your Legs
In today’s fast-paced world, finding time to unwind and care for our bodies can feel like a luxury. But what if I told you that taking just a few minutes each day to elevate your legs could yield benefits? This simple practice, often overlooked, can have profound effects on your circulation, boost recovery, and improve overall well-being. Whether you’re an athlete, a desk worker, or someone looking to improve your health, elevating your legs is a small habit with big rewards.
Improved Circulation and Lymphatic drainage
One of the most significant benefits of elevating your legs is the improvement in blood and lymph circulation. Gravity works against your circulatory and lymphatic system all day, especially if you’re on your feet or sitting for long periods. Elevating your legs helps blood flow back to your heart and lymph flow to your lymph nodes, reducing the on your body. This can help prevent or alleviate conditions like varicose veins, swelling, deep vein thrombosis (DVT), and accelerate recovery following workouts or when rehabbing from injury.
Reduced Swelling and Inflammation
If you’ve ever experienced swollen feet or ankles after a long day, you know how uncomfortable it can be. This swelling, or edema, is often due to fluid buildup in your lower extremities. Elevating your legs above heart level for at least 10 minutes daily can help drain this excess fluid, reducing swelling and discomfort. This practice is particularly beneficial for pregnant women, individuals with certain medical conditions, or those recovering from injury.
Relief from Lower Back Pain
Lower back pain is a common complaint, often exacerbated by prolonged sitting or standing. Elevating your legs can help relieve pressure on your lower back by reducing load from your lumbar spine and reducing tone and tension within your hamstrings and sciatic nerves. When you pair leg elevation with mindful breathing and/or gentle active and passive stretching, you can further ease tension and improve spinal health.
Enhanced Relaxation and Stress Relief
There’s something inherently relaxing about putting your feet up. Elevating your legs signals to your body that it’s time to unwind, activating the parasympathetic nervous system—the part of your nervous system responsible for rest and relaxation. This can help reduce stress, lower your heart rate, and even improve your sleep quality. Consider incorporating leg elevation into your nighttime routine to wind down before bed.
My Favorite Leg Elevation Exercises
Here are the exercises I do with my daily leg elevation routine. I like to start with deep breathing, then addressing my hips before my ankles to further facilitate lymphatic drainage and edema management - doing as many cycles needed to reach 10 minutes!
Diaphragmatic Breathing (1 minute)
How to do it: While lying on your back with your legs elevated, place one hand on your chest and the other on your abdomen. Breathe deeply through your nose, allowing your abdomen to rise as you inhale and fall as you exhale.
Hip Rotations (10 reps)
How to do it: With your legs elevated, gently rotate your legs inward and outward at the hip joint. This helps to loosen the upper legs before targeting the critical lower areas.
Ankle Pumps (20 reps)
How to do it: While lying on your back with your legs elevated, flex your feet to point your toes toward you, then extend them away from you in a pumping motion.
Ankle Circles (10 reps CW/CCW)
How to do it: With your legs elevated, rotate your ankles in a circular motion, first clockwise and then counterclockwise.
Toe Pointer Lifts (10 reps each)
How to do it: With your legs elevated, point your toes and then slowly lift them back toward you, engaging the muscles in your lower legs.
If you need any other help or guidance feel free to check out my brief video reel on Instagram! And of course, feel free to email me any questions or concerns.